
BASECAMP: Explore the world with us, one story at a time ….

We believe that TRAVEL is about creating MEMORIES that last a lifetime. Whether that means VICARIOUSLY enjoying travel through STORIES and PHOTOS and VIDEOS and AUDIO FILES …. or enjoying BEING THERE IN PERSON after being INSPIRED by others, we’re here FOR YOU!

A podcast that does things DIFFERENTLY ….

We believe that LIFE is about creating unforgettable memories.

Our STORIES are designed to leave a lasting impression.

(So are our PODCASTS!) Laugh and ponder and cry and GROW.


We create unparalleled experiences by doing the research & getting GREAT audio/video ….


We find “experts in their field” and BRING YOU the most extraordinary journeys ….

Wow! Our trip was truly unforgettable ….

— Lulu, Mexicali, MEXICO, 2024.

COMING: May ’24 to BuzzSprout and Youtube and Spotify ….